Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going Vegan?

Between spending eight hours a day at work, then coming home to work for five hours on cosplay--I don't really have much time. I have however, successfully managed to squeeze in P90X. While I don't physically see results yet, I'm getting stronger. It's only been two weeks but...

I can do a REAL push up.

Not one of those girly knees-on-the-floor push ups. But a genuine push up. And I can even do more than one!

All day I look forward to doing the exercises but of course, when the time finally comes I wish they were shorter. I just have so many things to do. But once you start and "bring it" everything else kind of melts away. (Hopefully the fat does too!)

Speaking of fat, I tried to measure my body fat percentage. I am by no means a fat person. But I did a lot of the tests and one of them said I was obese! I can't physically imagine how many people must be obese by this tests standards. I only weigh 131 pounds! Now my self-image is shattered =(  Just kidding.

I've been spending a lot of time looking up all of the nutrition stuff for p90x and it has led me down the road of vegan foods. In part, because they are healthy (I'm not talking about stuffing my face with twinkies). Plus, it is something different to eat. So, now I'm attempting new vegan foods every week. I think I'll share with you what they are and how I feel about them. Unfortunately, I can't go completely vegan because I'm pretty sure Boyfriend would break up with me (Although on our recent trip to Trader Joe's and Wegmens, he was having a blast picking out vegan items--he even bought some!) and I love bacon, chicken and turkey too much. I already cut out beef over a year ago. So.

I tried tofu.


It was fantastic. It was a tofu scramble recipe I got from a vegan cookbook. It tasted just like eggs! It had the same consistency and with the spices on it, it gave it a nice spicy kick. I'm really glad I'm the only person who eats it because that meant I had leftovers for the next day!

Costume-wise, I am working on the heart dress from "Madness Returns." It's the sequel to "American McGee's Alice" and is one of my favorite video games ever. The twisted version of the Wonderland story just couldn't get any better than this! The game released on June 14th. As luck would have it, I'll be at AnimeNEXT from June 10-12th so I will be wearing my dress then to promote the game! It is super detailed but I am so in love with it. There are probably ten different types of ribbon on the dress, which was a pain when I ran out of one and had to find the exact match. I will definitely post pictures soon!


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