I don't even know where to begin
I haven't updated since Comic Con began and thats because it has been nonstop. We were either at the con, driving, working on costumes or sleeping. There literally have been no breaks. And you might wonder, "well what about Sunday? You were only supposed to go for two days." But our costumes were so excellent on Saturday that we got free passes for Sunday!! =D So Sunday we went as our Halloween costumes from last year-Pyramid Head and the Silent Hill nurse.
It was a fantastic weekend. By far, Sunday was the day we were most popular. There was a ring of cameras around us constantly. The most epic moment was a coordinated fight scene between us and three other cosplayers (four later on in the fight). However, I have no pictures of this! If anyone can find anything on the internet of Pyramid head and Nurse battling three other cosplayers dressed in black, please give me the link!
I'll be putting pictures of ourselves up as I find them. As it is, I really only have pictures of other cosplayers. Again, if anyone stumbles across pictures of us, please, please let me know. I'd love to see them.
This is who you should look for:
Friday: Marill and the Ginosaji (spoon killer)
Saturday: American Mcgee's Alice and Mad Hatter
Sunday: Silent Hill's nurse and Pyramid Head
Thank you in advance!
Other things that happened at the con: I met Cary Elwes!! :: swoon :: I got his autograph, too. He was there promoting the final Saw movie. I also met Frank Beddor and visited him each and every day at the con. I absolutely adore his books. Pictures of us should be up on his site at some point. I now have everything I own by him, signed. He is an amazing person! I also met Voltaire and got to see him play. It was the most intimate concert I've ever been to. He interacted with the audience so much, it was fantastic!
I didn't get to any panels this year. The one I really wanted to go to was one about the worlds of Hayao Miyazaki. But we got to the con late and missed it =(
Well anyway, here are a few pics from the con!
My pyramid head killing someone
Me, pyramid head and a cosplayer who loved him =)
I love Ugly Dolls
Pokemon hang out together
My boy and a sexy female Cloud
Attacking with spoons
This was pretty epic.
Frank Beddor and I =)
Just me
My boyfriend =)
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